Treatment Series

10% Enrofloxacin

Main IngredientsEnrofloxacin


1. It has a high degree of antibacterial activity, and has a strong antibacterial effect on almost all pathogens of aquatic animals such as Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas fluorescentis, Vibrio, Pasteurella, and Edwardianella.

2. Safe and low toxicity, not easy to develop drug resistance.

3. The original drug of this product and its metabolite ciprofloxacin work together in animals, and the efficacy is better than other similar drugs.


Used to treat hemorrhagic sepsis, rotten gills, stigmatosis of fish, enteritis, red fin disease, Edward's disease and other diseases caused by bacterial infection in aquaculture animals.

Applicable objectsVarious aquaculture animals.

Usage and DosageCalculated based on enrofloxacin. Mix the bait to feed: one dosage, 10~20mg per kg of weight(calculated on 5% bait, use 2~4g this product per kg of feed), use continuously for 5~7 days.

Drugs-withdrawal periodWater temperature multiply drugs-withdrawal days=500 days

Packing100g per packet

Product approval numberShou Yao Zi 130179107