Prevention Series

Iodine preparations that can be taken internally

Main Ingredients10% Povidone iodine


1. Super strong stability

The use effect is not affected by various factors such as water hardness, pH, temperature, salinity and so on; the dissolution speed is fast, the aqueous solution is uniform and stable, easy to store and transport.

2. Broad spectrum and highly effective

In a short period of time and at low concentrations, it can kill pathogens such as bacteria, spores, viruses, molds, fungi and protozoan. most bacteria can be killed within 30 seconds, and 5 minutes is enough to kill individual bacteria.

3. Good permeability and long-lasting effect.

Penetrate and reach the deep part of the fungus and play a role, making the bactericidal effect more thorough; Gradually release iodine in the disinfection process, which plays a role in slow release, prolongs the maintenance time of disinfection effect and improves the efficiency of disinfection.

4. Safe, non-irritating

No any irritation to the skin, mucous membranes and eyes, use according to the requirements of the national standard, no toxic side effects or allergy symptoms were found, won't cause mutations in the genetic material in biological cells and embryonic development disorders.

Usage and Dosage

Calculated based on this product, dilute with water for use.



Packing500ml per bottle, 5L per bottle

Product approval numberShou Yao Zi 130171577